Energy News | CNN Reports Heavy Oil in Louisiana Marshland – Impending Eco Disaster

New Orleans, Louisiana (CNN) — Louisiana’s governor announced that thick, heavy oil has begun polluting the state’s wetlands and estuaries.

But Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana says BP cleanup efforts haven’t stopped oil from reaching his state’s coastline. Thicker, heavier oil than seen in previous days has blanketed some of the state’s precious interior wetlands, he said, and he called for the Army Corps of Engineers to approve an emergency permit to dredge sand from barrier islands to create sand booms as another line of defense.

“These are not tar balls, this is not sheen, this is heavy oil that we are seeing in our wetlands,” Jindal said.

See the CNN story about the devestation…

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2 Responses to “CNN Reports Heavy Oil in Louisiana Marshland – Impending Eco Disaster”

  1. RT @rachelsf: CNN Reports Heavy Oil in Louisiana Marshland – Impending Eco Disaster via #oilspill #gulf

  2. CNN Reports Heavy Oil in Louisiana Marshland – Impending Eco Disaster via #oilspill #gulf